Timber Mats

Timber Mats, commonly referred to as “Crane Mats” or “Digging Mats”, are timbers bolted together and cut in a broad array of sizes.

Often times, these mats will be “notched” having an exposed bolt on each end of the mat designed for easier handling. For safety purposes, they also can come “solid” meaning all timbers are of the same length to eliminate a potential tripping hazard. They are most commonly used for Right of Way access and crane use.

Solid Oak Crane Mats

  • 4’x20’x12″
  • 4’x16’x12″

The market has been saturated with softer hardwood Solid Oak Crane Mats. These can get the job done for a little bit less money, but they also do not last as long, costing more money in the long-term. This is where Mavrik Solutions has stepped in to provide a line of solid oak Solid Oak Crane Mats. The oak species are far more dense than the softer hardwood varieties and therefore decompose at a much slower rate. It is this specific line of mats that we keep sheltered out of the elements to keep the timbers dry. Also, we space them out every two mats to maximize breathability. Lastly, before delivery we tighten all bolts and seal the ends with a treatment to prevent the absorption of water and microbes that eat the mat from within. Finally, Mavrik Solutions’ line of solid oak mats adhere to strict sizing standards so each timber is cut to true size in thickness and width to maximize even weight load dispersion. The vast majority, if not all, of mixed hardwood mills in the US do not adhere to these sizing standards and therefore performance and longevity are jeopardized.

Solid Oak Digging Mats

  • 4’x18’x8″
  • 4’x16’x8″
  • *Other sizes available

Solid Oak Digging Mats, as the name suggests, are most commonly used on pipeline Right of Ways. Mavrik Solutions’ line of solid of digging mats are cut to true size in thickness and length. This accomplishes a couple objectives; with every timber cut the same, this allows for maximum weight load dispersion throughout the mat eliminating weak points that wear the mat down. Also, our mats on average 2” wider than the mixed hardwood mats (47” vs 45”). For jobs requiring a mile or more of digging mats, that 2” per mat amounts to a huge difference! Also, oak being far more dense than mixed hardwoods, decomposes at a much slower rate, providing much more bang for the buck. Once you go oak, you’ll never go broke.

Mixed Hardwood Timber Mats

Mavrik Solutions offers a cost-effective alternative with our mixed hardwood timber mats, providing a more economical option compared to our solid oak mats. With a widespread network of mills both domestically and internationally, we adeptly navigate geographical constraints to deliver matting solutions at the most competitive rates.  Our commitment to minimal viable solutions aligns perfectly with our line of mixed hardwood timber mats, supporting our vision as a company.

half Mats

  • 4’x8’x8″

Half mats are most commonly used in the wind energy industry for the laying of components. These mats have a longer lifespan because of their low impact use. Therefore, our inventory is made up of mixed hardwoods and railroad ties. They’re on the ground and ready to get rolling to your project.

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